Kambo Ceremony

“The focus here is not on ritual itself, but on opening up something in hearts and spirits that has been locked away so long that individuals can barely remember the source.”

Malidoma Patrice Somé, “Ritual: Power, Healing and Community”

It is my honor to offer Kambo ceremonies for individuals and communities seeking deep cleansing and clarity.

Kambo cleanses our hearts and clears our minds, allowing for our deepest desires to manifest in the now.

Kambo, also known as “frog medicine”, is the venomous secretion of Phyllomedusa bicolor (the giant leaf or monkey frog). This bright green tree frog is native to the Amazon basin and is a non-psychoactive, legal, Sacred Earth Medicine. Kambo is traditionally used amongst indigenous tribes to promote physical, spiritual, and mental wellness. 

Physically, Kambo has been known to defeat malaria, snake bites, fevers, strengthen the immune system, and reduce inflammation. More interestingly, it is used to remove ‘panema’, which is defined as dark, heavy, or stagnant energies that manifest as bad luck, illness, depression, laziness, lack of clarity or simply feeling lost. In Western culture, we might describe this energy as “bad vibes”, or use words like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Some Kambo participants describe a sense of relief or a heavy weight being lifted after just one session. The physical purging that takes place during a session not only frees our body of what no longer serves us, but allows us to feel deeply cleansed and connected on all levels.

Benefits of working with Kambo

  • Physical

    Strengthen your immune system

    Reduce inflammation

    Clear your body of toxins and trauma

    Has been used to treat; cancer, addiction, chronic pain, diabetes, hepatitis, and much more

    The benefits of treatment last 12-18 months

  • Spiritual & Mental

    Clears ‘panema’ or bad energy

    Alleviates depression, and anxiety

    Releases stuck energy and trauma

    Supports manifestation

    Clears the path ahead

What to Expect During Ceremony:

My ultimate goal is to cultivate a safe, healing space for you to connect with yourself and with the Spirit of the medicine

When you arrive to ceremony, we will begin with a conversation about your state of wellbeing that day, and your intention for ceremony. We will then open with a prayer and begin the treatment process with Rapeh and Sananga.

You will then be asked to drink 1.5-3 liters of water during ceremony which will support the purging process and help to flush the whole lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and other organs. As you drink the water, I will create small burns or ‘gates’ on the skin. I will then place the medicine on your ‘gates’ so that it can enter your lymphatic system.

The onset of the medicine may include; increased heart rate, sweating and/or chills, perspiration, temporary loss of consciousness, swelling in the face (this wears off soon after ceremony), purging through vomiting, and bowel movements.

Ceremony lasts between 1 and 2 hours, with a 30-45 minute rest period included. Participants will be able to drive and continue on with their day after the rest period.

Contraindications for Participation:

For the majority, Kambo is a safe cleanse with many benefits. However, it is not suitable for everyone. The following list includes conditions that are possibly contraindicated from receiving Kambo. You will be required to complete an wellbeing intake form which I will review prior to our preparation session.

If you have any doubts about your participation please use our initial Discovery Call as an opportunity to ask questions about contraindications. This list does not equate an automatic yes or no to participation.

Kambo is potentially contraindicated for people who:

  • Have serious heart problems or have had heart surgery. This includes a pacemaker but excludes stents

  • Have had a stroke or a brain hemorrhage

  • Have an aneurism or blood clot

  • Have experienced any previous oesophagus bleeding or rupture

  • Are recovering from a major surgical procedure with internal stitches

  • Are on medication for low blood pressure

  • Are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or have done so within the last 4 weeks

  • Are taking immune-suppressants after an organ transplant

  • Have Addison’s disease

  • Have current and severe epilepsy

  • Have experienced bleeding or rupture of the oesophagus

  • Have Ehlers-Danlos syndromes

  • Are under 18 years old

  • Are pregnant or may be so, or are breastfeeding a child under 6 months old

  • People who have been partaking in long term fasting or water fasting within seven days of their Kambo session, excluding the required fasting beforehand


Our participation in ceremony begins long before we enter the ritual space; it begins by preparing our ritual space within. Here are some suggestions on ways to prepare your being to receive Kambo.

For a minimum of 3 days prior to and after ceremony refrain from consuming:

  • Gluten

  • Dairy

  • Sugar/Salt

  • Red meat

  • Pork

  • Processed foods

  • Cannabis (if you do consume, try to keep it to a wellness dosage (2mg or 1-2 puffs and just be mindful of consumption in the days leading up to and after ceremony)

  • Social media/news

  • Stressful conversations/interactions (triggering people)

  • No sex with yourself or others

  • No alcohol

  • *No-food-fast for 12 hours prior to ceremony (You may have water/non-caffeinated tea without sweetener).

(Please do your best with these preparation recommendations - and have grace for yourself in the process)

The Process

  • Find out if this Ceremony process is best for you!


  • During the Initial Preparation Call we will schedule your Ceremony date.

    Pricing is dependent on what sacrament(s) we will be working with and will be finalized in the prep call. I ask all participants to make a deposit of $225 prior to our first preparation call. You will receive an invoice to pay digitally prior to that call.

  • I recommend scheduling this for anywhere from one week to one month after your ceremony.